Carolyn Masterson
Studio Located Within The Hartland Music Building
Studio Days M, T, Th, F
262.366.4357 [email protected]
A Chicago native and graduate of Augustana College with a BA in Education and Music, Carolyn has been teaching piano at WCCM since 1988. Each week Carolyn teaches private students, ages five to adult and Music for Kids classes of 4-6 year olds. She is also the Director of Music Ministries for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hartland where she directs the Adult vocal choir and three Adult and Youth Handbell choirs. Formerly an elementary teacher in Illinois and California, Carolyn has been teaching piano since 1977. She is an accomplished English Handbell Director and is the invited children’s handbell clinician at the Conference for Church Musicians in Green Lake, WI each year. Carolyn is a member of the Jubilate Chorale, an auditioned vocal ensemble in Waukesha County.
She says that “working one on one with students of all ages and abilities is a challenge, but also a joy, for me.”
Studio Located Within The Hartland Music Building
Studio Days M, T, Th, F
262.366.4357 [email protected]
A Chicago native and graduate of Augustana College with a BA in Education and Music, Carolyn has been teaching piano at WCCM since 1988. Each week Carolyn teaches private students, ages five to adult and Music for Kids classes of 4-6 year olds. She is also the Director of Music Ministries for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hartland where she directs the Adult vocal choir and three Adult and Youth Handbell choirs. Formerly an elementary teacher in Illinois and California, Carolyn has been teaching piano since 1977. She is an accomplished English Handbell Director and is the invited children’s handbell clinician at the Conference for Church Musicians in Green Lake, WI each year. Carolyn is a member of the Jubilate Chorale, an auditioned vocal ensemble in Waukesha County.
She says that “working one on one with students of all ages and abilities is a challenge, but also a joy, for me.”